Tag: News

  • Macworld 2012: Not what it used to be

    Back in its heyday, the annual Macworld conference was the event that everyone looked forward to because Apple would be there unveiling their next product. Macworld was where the  iMac, iBook, iTunes, Safari, the iPhone, and the MacBook Air were announced to the public. Since 2009, which was the last appearance that Apple made at Macworld,…

  • Apple announces iBooks 2 and iTunes U app

    After giving enough time for CES-goers to recover from a long week of gadgets, Apple hosted an event today at the Guggenheim museum in New York City that focused on education, and they announced updates to a few of their digital products. iBooks 2 Reinvents the Textbook In a way to “reinvent the textbook,” iBooks 2…

  • The Emerging Trends of CES 2012

    The Emerging Trends of CES 2012

    CES 2012 has ended – drawing to a close rather too quickly for those of us either in attendance or glued to the Web watching endless coverage of it. The 2012 Consumer Electronics Show was a triumph in terms of visitor numbers, with a record attendance. But many reported it being a trifle dull in…

  • CES 2012 Wrap-up: Things We Missed

    Last week was absolutely jam-packed with new product announcements and unveilings. Since things have now calmed down and all of the keynotes are in the books, I figured I would take this time to catch up on products that were missed during CES 2012. Gorilla Glass 2 Corning, maker of Gorilla Glass, unveiled the second…

  • Louis C.K. Treads New Media Distribution Path

    In case you hadn’t noticed, there is something of a revolution kicking off in the way media is distributed. It’s all going digital, the idea of ownership is changing, and, most crucially, the big media companies who currently act as middle-men are being subtly shunted out of the picture. The latest advocate of this new…

  • Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales suggest the 99% are still spending

    Black Friday is now as much a part of the Thanksgiving celebrations as a big turkey and a huge family get-together. Some people even forgo the latter to ensure their place at the front of the queue for the former. Big-ticket consumer tech has always been the focus of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and…

  • Why Ashton Kutcher, aka “aplusk”, hates Twitter

    I can’t say I’ve ever been a particular fan of Ashton Kutcher. But his erroneous, ill-informed tweet and subsequent throwing of toys out of his Twitter-branded pram has me thinking he’s an absolute idiot. In a nutshell: Kutcher claims to have heard about the firing of Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno in passing…

  • Adobe kills Flash for mobile in favor of HTML5

    That’s it, folks. Adobe Flash Player for mobile devices has officially packed up its bags and walked out the door never to be seen again. Of course, Flash for desktop operating systems will live on (and probably not all that well), but Adobe has decided that Flash on mobile devices just isn’t in the cards.…

  • Apple’s 1st Gen iPod Nano Being Recalled

    Apple has been getting its fair share of bad press lately. With battery issues plaguing the iPhone 4S and the iOS 5.01 update making things even worse, this latest problem just adds to the drama. On the Support section of their website, Apple states that “in very rare cases, the battery in the iPod nano…

  • What’s coming in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

    Now that the iPhone 4S and iOS 5 have had their chance to bathe in the limelight, the focus can turn to Google’s latest Android release: Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS). A quick assessment would hail ICS as the answer to Android’s nagging issue of fragmentation. With different versions of the OS scattered all over their…