Tag: Android

  • Latest LauncherPro Update Adds Sweet New Transitions

    It’s been over a month since we last heard from Federico Carnales, developer of the awesome Android homescreen replacement application LauncherPro. He’s been busy completely rewriting LauncherPro from scratch, but recently found time to push out an update to the current version that adds some very cool screen transitions. For the uninitiated, LauncherPro is one…

  • 7 Great Apps and Games for Android

    2010 was a great year for smartphones. Some of top used social networking apps and games on the Android system were Plume, Facebook, Youtube, and others. A little review for the apps are provided.

  • Simple Droid X Hack Can Greatly Improve Call Quality

    There are many reasons why the audio quality of mobile phones isn’t great. One simple, but fixable reason is that the phone is most likely configured to use an outdated voice encoder algorithm by default. Luckily for us, Motorola includes hidden programming menus in most of its phones where we can adjust advanced settings like voice…

  • “Catch” the New Way to Organize Notes with Smartphones and Browsers

    We’ve all done it; emailed yourself a note or reminder while at work or on the go, then weeding through your bursting inbox trying to find it. There is the option of a mailbox search with keywords, but it’s pretty much a bust if you can’t find something in 10 seconds. With the birth of…

  • One Small Step for Android, One Giant Leap for Synthetic Robotic Organisms

    You might remember that we gave away some pretty sweet limited edition Android collectibles a few months ago.  As it turns out, these Androids had a few buddies that recently took a trip to the upper stratosphere (about 100,000 feet above the Earth’s surface) to take part in a research experiment by Google. A team…

  • Holiday Gift Guide: Something For The Whole Family Edition

    For some, holiday shopping is a joyous and fun task, but for others it’s a difficult one. A lot of the difficulty stems from not knowing what to get someone. Being a person that loves shopping, let me give you a little guidance for buying gifts for the whole family. Gift Ideas for Grandparents My…

  • Five Great Gift Ideas for Public Transportation Commuters

    At my previous job, I took the train from the suburbs straight to Union Station in downtown Chicago. The train ride would leave me with about 2 hours each day to do whatever I please, as long as it could be done on a train. Thankfully, technology has drastically increased the number of entertainment options…

  • How to Bypass the “Welcome to” Android Phone Activation Screen

    When you turn on an Android phone for the first time (or after resetting your device), you’ll be greeted with a “Welcome to <Your Phone Model>” screen which shows you how to activate your new phone.  If you’re checking out a phone in a store (or just don’t want to activate your device yet), this…

  • What To Do If Your Android Home Screen Replacement Lags

    Home screen replacement apps are one of the many benefits of the open nature of Android. They provide speed and functionality above and beyond what the default home screen can offer. Unfortunately, due to the nature of how home screen replacements work, some issues can arise. One persistently annoying issue surfaces when the entire home…

  • Limited Edition Android Collectible Giveaway WINNERS!

    Thank you to everybody that participated in our limited edition Android collectible contest! Because of the enthusiasm shown for these little Androids, we will definitely do another contest soon. That being said, these Androids need a home!  Here are the three lucky winners, chosen at random: Jonathan Musselwhite – Confirmed Heath Rost – Confirmed JoJo…