Tag: Verizon

  • Government cell phone monitoring shouldn’t come as a surprise

    Government cell phone monitoring shouldn’t come as a surprise

    In a recent announcement, it was shown that the National Security Association (NSA) has been “secretly” obtaining private information via Verizon Wireless. With permission through something known as “the blanket order,” Verizon has been handing over a variety of call-related data, such as call lengths, locations, and other unique identifiers. As of yet, it’s stated…

  • How 4G mobile networks are changing our lives

    When the iPhone 5 was announced, many people wondered how its many incremental changes would allow Apple to take the lead again in the smartphone market. Of all the changes, there is one feature that will be the most important, and will most impact the impression of the public: 4G. The 4G radio upgrade that…

  • Verizon’s “Share Everything” data plans actually aren’t that bad

    Verizon recently announced their Share Everything mobile plans and are set to put them into action on June 28. The company says that it’s a great way to easily share a bucket-full of minutes, text messages, and data amongst a family, but some users are skeptical. If you’ve read the internet lately, many people have been…

  • Super Bowl XLVI: The Year of Connectivity

    Super Bowl XLVI is almost here, folks. The New York Giants will face off against the New England Patriots in Indianapolis, Indiana for the title of NFL champion. However, if American football isn’t your thing, there’s still a reason to be interested in the single largest American sporting event  of all time. This year’s Super…

  • Windows Phone 7 Alert: HTC Connection Settings app is bad for your phone

    Windows Phone 7 Alert: HTC Connection Settings app is bad for your phone

    If your Windows Phone has “HTC Connection Settings” installed on it, remove it immediately. If you come across this app in the Marketplace, do not download it. It’s a pointless app that serves no real purpose, anyway, so I doubt anyone would miss it. I know I don’t.

  • Xbox Live to get Cable-Esque Service?

    You may soon be able to watch cable television on Microsoft’s Xbox Live gaming service. Microsoft is rumored to be joining Comcast and Verizon to provide a cable-esque service on Xbox Live. No details are out as of yet, so allow me to speculate and dream like a wee lad looking at the wrapped boxes under…

  • Verizon Starts Throttling Top 5% of Data Users

    It wasn’t too long ago when AT&T announced they would be throttling the data speed of their top 5% of heaviest data users. While Verizon announced that they would be doing this to their users back in February, it looks like they have decided to finally start putting their plan into action before AT&T starts…

  • How To: Change your cellular phone number with Verizon Wireless

    In the Digital Age, most corporations give their consumers ways to manage their accounts online, without having to visit the nearest retailer to update their information, account settings, or other information related to their account. This is not only a great way to provide excellent customer service and allow changes to come into effect quickly…

  • Tiered Data Plans Coming To Verizon July 7

    Thanks to an official training document that has been leaked, the rumored tiered data plans for Verizon customers are definitely coming. Android Central ended up with the leak, which contains a slew of details about the new data plans that will most likely answer some of your hankering questions. The most important aspect of the…

  • How to Profit from the AT&T/Alltel Merger

    Now that AT&T may be acquiring T-Mobile, their acquisition of Alltel in a few states since the Verizon/Alltel merger is old news. By now everyone has pretty much figured out the jig. Every current Alltel customer gets a free AT&T phone because the two networks use different technologies, and a current Alltel phone won’t work…