Tips, guides, and reviews about software, web apps, technology, mobile phones, and computers.

  • Internet Explorer 9: If Chrome jumped off a bridge…

    Overall, IE9 is a huge improvement in design, features, and speed for Microsoft’s web browser. While many of the changes are a few years behind their competitors, it is without a doubt a step in the right direction.

  • Why I Left LastPass for 1Password

    There are very simple reasons why password security is so important: 1) We can now access most of our private, confidential information online (bank accounts, email, and social networks), and 2) We’re lazy. I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad with that last point. I’m really lazy, too. For years, I used only a…

  • How to Make Money Online:

    In the last episode of “How to make money online” I covered possibilities offered from being a Cha Cha guide. Well, since then not a lot has changed. I still enjoy money, still have none, and I am still very fond of sitting on my couch. Since then, I’ve done a little research, a little experimenting,…

  • Three simple ways to back up your tweets

    If you use Twitter, you probably know how difficult if can be to find a tweet that you posted a couple of weeks ago or more. Maybe it was a pithy quote. Or maybe it was a link to an interesting article or website. But once those 140 characters get mixed up in that sea…

  • How to Create a Custom Font from Your Own Handwriting

    Wouldn’t it be cool if your own crappy handwriting could be used to type out reports and essays in Microsoft Word? There are a few services out there that allow you to do this for a small fee, but I’ll be showing you how to do it using a particular service called Pilot Handwriting. This…

  • Dramatic Before and After Aerial Photos of Japan

    The New York Times recently created an amazing mashup using before-and-after aerial photos of the destruction in Japan. The article contains over a dozen images taken from regions in Japan that were impacted by the recent earthquakes and tsunamis. These images are interactive, so grab the blue slider in center to switch between the two…

  • Automatic Content Generation and Other Shady Web Practices

    I was recently looking through some job listings at a freelance writing site when I noticed a few odd things. The first was the ridiculous amount of articles some businesses were asking for, along with that was the incredibly low wage offered for the job. The second thing was the use of words like “content…

  • Chrome: ‘New Tabs At End’ Puts New Tabs at the End

    Never has a title been more self-explanatory. Chris Finke, who has previously developed killer Firefox add-ons like TwitterBar, ScribeFire, and the innovative TapSure for mobile Firefox, recently brought some much-needed functionality to Google’s Chrome web browser: the ability to open new tabs at the end of the tab bar, just like Firefox. If you have a…

  • Thunderbolt Technology Unveiled by Apple and Intel

    It comes as no surprise that Apple’s powerhouse ‘Pro’ line of notebooks has undergone its predictable annual refresh. Making its debut with powerful, updated internals, an HD Camera for Facetime, and an all new Thunderbolt (I/O) technology, Apple has once-again solidified its spot at the top of hardware design. For a change, cameras and processors…

  • DroidWall: The Aptly Named Android Firewall Solution

    Installing Android applications can sometimes be a risky operation. A list of permissions requested by the application pops up before installation, but how many people actually read those? Even if you do read them, they can often leave you puzzled as to why that application needs that permission. I recently installed a newly-released game on…