Tag: Pranks

  • Office pranking round 3: May the pranks be ever in your favor

    Hello all, and welcome to the 3rd annual Office Pranking… games. We here at Techerator heard your pleas for more prank ideas, and after countless hours of research, development, and Google-ing (the internet is quite big, you know), we found four more ideas for your pranking entertainment. For those of you who are joining us…

  • A Guide to Office Pranking: Round Two

    Another year has passed, and once again it is time to use that one special day of the year to wreak havoc upon those co-workers you like, dislike, or may not even know.  Last year, some interesting April Fools pranks were presented here at Techerator, but like the ever-expanding Wikipedia that list was far from…

  • April Fool’s Day: A Beginner’s Guide

    As you very well know by now, either being the victim or the culprit, April Fool’s Day is today. Now, typically I would go on a rant as to why this is not a national holiday with mandatory paid time off, but not today. Why? Because what would April Fool’s Day be without an office…

  • Office Pranking: A Photo Essay

    Ah yes, April Fools Day.  A cheerful (or nerve-wracking) time of  false pretenses, tomfoolery, and a few good gags at the expense of others.  And why not?  This day is all about giving the laughs out and taking them in; a constant ebb and flow of pranking and being pranked. The April Fools veteran knows…