Author: Kevin Ivanca
Evolve Your Living Room with a DLNA HDTV and Windows Media Player
It’s a fact: Gone are the days that homes are built with computer rooms and family/living rooms in their floor plans. The future of sit-down family entertainment is here, and dear lord its about time. This month, my family decided to purchase a nice, new Samsung Series 6 6300 LED TV and a brand new…
Psych Out the Email Spammers By Using 10 Minute Mail
If you are like me, you have a few email accounts doing very specific things. One account is most likely for work, another for personal, and then there is the illustrious spam account. This account is like a neglected shelf in the refrigerator. Stuff comes in, sits a while, piles up, and before you know…
Make Gmail into a Carnival with 0Boxer, Earn Rewards for Being Productive
Time to face hard facts: Checking your Gmail inbox is not the most enjoyable thing you do during the day. To be honest, it can be quite boring, really. Reading, replying, trashing, and repeat; it never ends. Even using Priority Inbox doesn’t solve the mediocrity email sorting creates. Wouldn’t it be great if you could actually get…
Priority Inbox: Gmail Tells You What Messages are Important, You Profit (?)
Busy people, rejoice. Gmail, the primary electronic mail client offered by the giant Google, is getting a simple add-on sometime in the near future (it’s actually rolling out right now, but it will be a week before everybody has it). What does it entail, one might ask? Well, its a filter. Not a new spam…
Manage a Music Playlist and More with GMote for Android
So its time to plan a party. The chips and dip are out, the chilled beverages are chilling, the mood lighting is set to “groovy,” and the music is…wait. You forgot to consider the music, didn’t you? That is a big mistake. Music can make or break a party; everyone knows that. So what do…
How Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel Can Help You Pretend to Work
Procrastinating at work. We’ve all done it at some point during the five day work week. Whether it be surfing the blogs, catching up on favorite shows, or playing the unprecedented amount of free online games out there, we have all found different ways to break from the insanity called the eight hour workday. Subsequently, it is a known fact that when…
Steam Offers Up Alien Swarm (PC Game) Free for the Masses
Dear Steam Users: It is a known fact that Steam offers the occasional free game embedded inside their vast library of adventure, action, and sports games. From action to racing to just plain awesome, Steam’s free games can provide some good time fun. Heck, even Portal has been offered for free. But last week a…
Google Re-Invents Android Development with App Inventor
The Android Marketplace may be getting a little bit more crowded soon. This week, Google Labs revealed to the world App Inventor, a creative programming tool that allows just about anyone to figure out how to design and create Android applications… and there was much rejoicing. Thanks to the open architecture of the Android OS, App Inventor allows for tweaking…