Tag: social media

  • Why Facebook Ads Need Quality Control Approval

    Why Facebook Ads Need Quality Control Approval

    It’s no secret that Facebook, the social media giant, hands out its users’ information to third parties. So long as an advertiser is willing to pay, the site will ensure only the most relevant viewers see their ads. Whether targeting specific audiences or opting for the sidebar approach, thousands of companies have gained business with…

  • Need to Contact Facebook? Good Luck

    Need to Contact Facebook? Good Luck

    With the incredible growth Facebook has seen in past years, it’s understandable that a few people may need to get a hold of the company. Whether for legal reasons, personal interest, or just needing to get some information, the site is surprisingly hard to pin down. Of course, it’s hard to blame them – even…

  • How much social media usage is too much?

    How much social media usage is too much?

    In a time where social media rules the Internet, it’s easy for users to become overwhelmed with the vast amount of profiles they can host. Between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., where does one draw the line as to how many profiles are enough? Especially when each platform is trying so hard to draw…

  • Why is Facebook so inconsistent about removing inappropriate photos?

    Why is Facebook so inconsistent about removing inappropriate photos?

    Any Facebook user has had the option – at one point or another – to report a friend’s photo. Whether or not it was inappropriate, hilarious, or even sentimental, the site brought our moral stands to question, and tested us between friendship and appropriate viewing material. Of course, the majority of those times, the pictures…

  • 5 Reasons Pinterest is a Better Search Engine than Google

    Despite its premise, platform, and overall demographic (crafty women), Pinterest comes out as one of the world’s most accurate search engines. Even better than actual search engines, like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Sure, it was made as a social media website, and for leisure or entertainment time, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less accurate…

  • Need advice? Try ChoicePunch

    Need advice? Try ChoicePunch

    Ever since the world was introduced to PostSecret, the idea of going to strangers with news became a thing. Dark, embarrassing, or just needing to confess the fact that Progressive’s Flo is was too perky for her own good, the site allowed online users to get things off of their chests. Without the threat of…

  • Facebook adds hashtags to compete with other social networks

    Facebook adds hashtags to compete with other social networks

    A few weeks ago, Facebook announced that it was working on a way to integrated hashtags into its platform. Already a successful feature on Twitter and Instagram, the change would bring Zuckerberg and crew into the world of random and unnecessary links. Sure, some are helpful and even relevant, but when scouring Twitter, the majority…

  • How social media and technology have changed the election process

    Disclaimer: I realize this is a technology website, and while I have my own political opinions, I am not in any way attempting to push any sort of belief, or support either candidates in this post. I tried to be fair and balanced, and in no way intended to spark a political debate. Technological debate…

  • Twitter takes control with new API rules, plans to limit access for third-party clients

    Twitter takes control with new API rules, plans to limit access for third-party clients

    We all knew this day was coming after reading Twitter’s fairly recent blog post on the company’s future plans, but now it’s been made official, and traditional Twitter clients should watch their backs. In another blog post earlier this week, Twitter’s Vice President of Product Michael Sippey outlined exactly how the company plans to control…

  • Spice Up Your Twitter Profile with Themeleon

    Spice Up Your Twitter Profile with Themeleon

    You no doubt have come across Twitter pages that capture your attention immediately you see them. Users, businesses and organizations can customize the feel and look of this important social network to not only reflect the company or business brand, but use it as a vital marketing tool. So, how do you turn your Twitter…