Tag: politics

  • How social media and technology have changed the election process

    Disclaimer: I realize this is a technology website, and while I have my own political opinions, I am not in any way attempting to push any sort of belief, or support either candidates in this post. I tried to be fair and balanced, and in no way intended to spark a political debate. Technological debate…

  • U.S. Postal Service on the Brink of Bankruptcy Thanks to Email

    It’s one of those situations where it only takes a matter of time, and that time is right around the corner for the United States Postal Service (USPS), which according to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, is on the verge of bankruptcy and will most likely default if Congress doesn’t step in and help out. It’s…

  • Net Neutrality: A Lose-Lose Situation?

    Much has been made about net neutrality recently. But what does “net neutrality” really mean? In a nutshell, it’s the idea that Internet Service Providers should not be allowed to discriminate against any type of traffic on their networks, for any reason. While it has many more implications, it has become a hot topic of…

  • US Election 2010: Use Google to Show You the Closest Voting Location

    If you’re in the United States, today is election day.  Whether you’re excited to cast your vote, or relieved the political television ads will be over, you can use Google to show you the closest voting location. To find voting locations, search Google for where to vote and enter your location in the Find your…