Tag: laptops

  • Should We Save the Optical Drive?

    Should We Save the Optical Drive?

    It’s nothing new to hear that Apple’s latest MacBook models come without a disc drive. They’re sleeker and thinner, and leaving out the “dated” technology allowed the company to pack in more features in less computer. They first did it with the MacBook Air in 2008, and with soaring sales, it’s likely the company didn’t…

  • OLPC’s sci-fi inspired tech replaces human teachers with software

    The wise sage, Derek Zoolander, once asked: “How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read if they can’t even fit inside the building?” Depending on the context, that might be a fair question, but let’s extend it further. What if there is no school building? Or even a teacher? For…

  • How to make a DIY laptop stand for $8

    A laptop stand is a great thing to have if you’re working at a desk. It not only allows your laptop to breath more easily and run cooler (since it’s propped up), but it also makes your setup more ergonomic by having your laptop’s display at eye level. You can buy laptop stands pretty much…

  • Apple’s Natural Scrolling Feature Catches On

    Apple’s introduction of “natural scrolling” with OS X Lion was a controversial move. Apple effectively decided that computer users had for years been scrolling the wrong way around. They changed things so that, by default, OS X Lion users would “push” content up to move it up the screen, and “pull” it down to move…

  • Are Macs really overpriced? The PC-Mac price gap is shrinking

    I recently switched over to a MacBook Pro after being a PC guy my entire life. Before my MacBook, I had only custom-built Windows machines in my possession. A lot of my close PC friends couldn’t believe  that I shelled out so much money for an “overpriced” computer. However, to my discovery, the large price…

  • CES 2012: Day 3 Recap – Qualcomm, Viewsonic, and Intel

    Day number three of CES 2012 was definitely less hectic and more manageable, but today was the opening of the CES show floor where companies were unveiling and showing off all of their new toys at their respective booths. However, we did have some very notable companies stand up to deliver keynotes, including chip makers Intel…

  • CES 2012: Day 2 Recap – LG, Samsung, Vizio, and Microsoft

    The second day of CES-ness is now behind us and wow, was it a busy one! Numerous companies held their press events today, including Microsoft, which hosted the opening keynote for this year’s CES. To say the least, tons of stuff happened. Since I won’t cover everything (that would literally be like writing a book)…