Tag: holiday 2011 gift guide

  • Holiday Gift Guide 2011: Camera and Photography Edition

    While most smartphones and even tablets nowadays have great cameras attached to them, they still can’t beat the quality of a dedicated camera. In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of digital phototography, it’s easy to get left behind on what makes and models are the best. And if you’re pondering the idea of giving that…

  • Holiday Gift Guide 2011: Build a Gaming PC Edition

    This year I decided to use my holiday wish-list to build an entire desktop PC. I mean, as long as a majority of the parts needed to build a high performance machine are gifted to me over the holidays, in the end all of them can be combined for the common goal of playing Skyrim…

  • Holiday Gift Guide 2011: Consultants and Traveling Professionals Edition

    Being a consultant comes with some unique challenges compared to the standard 9-to-5 job. We’re constantly on the road, talking on the phone, guzzling coffee, chowing down, and trying to find street addresses in neighborhoods we’ve never been in before. I’ve put together this gift guide to help make life a little easier for the…

  • Holiday Gift Guide 2011: Gamer’s Edition

    Temperatures are slowly creeping towards sub-zero. Radio stations and malls everywhere are switching on the holiday music. Pine trees and other decorations are going up all over the world. And once again millions of people are procrastinating on their holiday shopping. Lucky for you, gamers are an easy bunch to buy gifts for. Skip the…