Tag: app

  • DroidWall: The Aptly Named Android Firewall Solution

    Installing Android applications can sometimes be a risky operation. A list of permissions requested by the application pops up before installation, but how many people actually read those? Even if you do read them, they can often leave you puzzled as to why that application needs that permission. I recently installed a newly-released game on…

  • Create and Sync Notes on your Desktop, Phone, and the Web with Simplenote

    Ever have an idea that you’re sure is going to make you rich, only to have forgotten it by the time you get home? Or how about the time you spent all week making a list of things you need the next time you go shopping, only to forget where you put it when the…

  • Amazon Releases Kindle for Android App

    In another big step towards expanding their grip on the E-Book market, Amazon recently released a version of their Kindle software for Android.  The Kindle was originally a hardware device for reading digital books, and Amazon has since made the software available on other devices like the iPhone and iPad. The Kindle software is free…

  • Timerrific for Android: A Great Way to Forget Your Phone’s Settings

    Let’s face it, the Locale app for Android was awesome.  Being a product of MIT graduates, Locale is a simple and easy way to manage your Android phone’s settings through profiles triggered via either a GPS location or a specific time frame.  And let me tell you, it was slick. When I was close to…

  • Use AppAware To Find New and Interesting Android Applications

    While there are plenty of great applications available for Android, it can sometimes be difficult to find them. The Android Market doesn’t do a very good job of showcasing applications, so you’ll usually see the same twenty or so apps on its front page. If you want to find those buried gems, you’re forced to…