Category: Windows

  • Use a Gamepad for Any PC Game with Xpadder

    Use a Gamepad for Any PC Game with Xpadder

    I play a lot of video games on my Xbox 360, but occasionally I’ll switch things up and buy something to enjoy on my PC. Recently I picked up both Fallout 3 and New Vegas on sale, but I was disappointed to find they didn’t support my Logitech F310 USB gamepad. This isn’t a big…

  • A Windows Phone and My Mother: A Perfect Match?

    It’s that time again. Yep, I am of course talking about contract renewal day for the family cellphone plan. For me and my sister, the phone choices are pretty obvious (an Android for me and an iPhone for her). But once mom starts talking smartphone, the whole cellular arena starts to get a little grey.…

  • Windows 8 Can Do A Cold Boot In 8 Seconds Flat

    We said what everyone was thinking. A coat of paint on a sub-par system does not a successful operating system make. Okay, my colleague said it better than that, but the message is the same. Regardless, we’d still like to give credit where it’s due and highlight something that Microsoft has done really, really well…

  • Windows 8: Better Built From Scratch?

    Windows 8 is rapidly taking shape, and on the surface it looks fantastic. On the surface. Only on the surface. Under the hood things are a little messier, because at its heart Windows 8 is still Windows, the same Windows that we’ve known, and loved and hated in equal measure, since it debuted under Bill…

  • Nyan Cat brings childish wonderment to Windows progress bars

    If this is your first time on the internet, here’s what you have missed: Nyan Cat is an insanely popular internet meme where an adorable half-Pop-Tart cat runs through the night sky emitting an 8-bit rainbow in its wake. Almost as memorable as the animation is the accompanying soundtrack, which I’ll give you an opportunity to…

  • Office 2010: Fix Word Not Saving Default Settings

    In a previous article, I wrote about how to change the default font and document settings in Word 2010.  I recently ran into a frustrating problem on a computer where even though I was saving the settings as default like shown in the mentioned article, when I would close Word and then re-open, the old…

  • Windows Phone 7 ‘Mango’ Has Officially Been RTM’d

    Windows Phone “Mango” has officially been RTM’d. What’s RTM? It means that Microsoft has given the new build its stamp of approval and released it to the manufacturers. Once it’s in the hands of companies like Samsung, HTC, LG and others, the finished software will go through rigorous testing and configurations to make things run…

  • How to Manage Stored User Names and Passwords in Windows Credential Manager

    A convenient feature of any operating system or software application is its ability to save login credentials so you don’t have to repeatedly enter the same user name and password. Although it may be convenient, there are some potential security concerns with saving login information on your computer, especially if it is shared with others.…

  • Review: Official Twitter App for Windows Phone 7

    Overall, the official Twitter app for Windows Phone 7 is a great app, providing all of the functionality you would expect from While I haven’t had the opportunity to spend time with competing apps, this one more than whets my tweeting whistle.

  • How I Circumvented Network Authentication (And Got Caught in the Process)

    How I Circumvented Network Authentication (And Got Caught in the Process)

    While I’ve never personally worked in the IT field, I have a number of friends who have, and I can appreciate their efforts to keep a network secure and functioning well. Sometimes, though, the cost of network security can be pretty annoying. The university where I work is home to a top-notch group of IT…