Author: Dave Parrack

  • Louis C.K. Treads New Media Distribution Path

    In case you hadn’t noticed, there is something of a revolution kicking off in the way media is distributed. It’s all going digital, the idea of ownership is changing, and, most crucially, the big media companies who currently act as middle-men are being subtly shunted out of the picture. The latest advocate of this new…

  • Holiday Gift Guide 2011: Shopping on a Budget Edition

    In case you haven’t been following the news over the past few years, the economies of most countries around the world are failing. This means a lot of people will be tightening their belts this year as they seek to hold onto what little they have left in the way of assets. This means those…

  • Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales suggest the 99% are still spending

    Black Friday is now as much a part of the Thanksgiving celebrations as a big turkey and a huge family get-together. Some people even forgo the latter to ensure their place at the front of the queue for the former. Big-ticket consumer tech has always been the focus of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and…

  • Kindle Fire proves that reviews are meaningless

    If you’re serious about purchasing a new piece of technology, do yourself a favor and try before you buy. Because relying on reviews, especially from just one or two people, is tantamount to gambling your money on one person’s opinion. We’ve all looked at reviews online. We even write them here at Techerator. And they…

  • Why Ashton Kutcher, aka “aplusk”, hates Twitter

    I can’t say I’ve ever been a particular fan of Ashton Kutcher. But his erroneous, ill-informed tweet and subsequent throwing of toys out of his Twitter-branded pram has me thinking he’s an absolute idiot. In a nutshell: Kutcher claims to have heard about the firing of Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno in passing…

  • NaNoWriMo – Write a Novel In a Month

    NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is an annual event whereby people with too much time on their hands and not enough brain cells in their heads embark on a mission to write a novel in a month. I know, it sounds mad, but it’s actually surprisingly doable with a little commitment and consistency. There is…

  • Should Apple Lower Prices In Post-Jobs Era?

    It’s inevitable that without Steve Jobs at the helm piloting the Cupertino ship into the future Apple will change. What that change will be and how quickly it comes are both up for debate, but I don’t think it can be argued that everything will remain as is. After all, isn’t the very essence of…

  • Is More Amazon Hardware On The Way?

    Amazon is a huge and hugely influential online retailer. But of late it has become something much more than that: a purveyor of hardware. Not just any old hardware, but well-made hardware that people actually want to own. The question is: after the Kindle eBook reader and the Kindle Fire tablet what hardware could be…

  • A Steve Jobs Eulogy by a non-Fanboy

    I’m not an Apple fanboy. In fact, I rally against the Cupertino-based company and the lemmings that follow it blindly at every opportunity. I don’t own even one Apple product (although I do covet an iPad), I even avoid iTunes because the one time I did install it, it spread its tentacles deeply into my…

  • When Twitter Goes Bad: Celebrity Promotion

    I don’t believe Twitter was conceived as a tool for celebrities to voice their opinions and promote their latest moneymaking venture, but that seems to be what it has become. And I’m sick of it, quite frankly. I know, I know, I can just unfollow the handful of celebrities I currently receive tweets from, but…