Tag: MacBook Pro

  • How to install a SSD in a MacBook Pro

    Upgrading your computer with a solid-state hard drive is probably one of the most beneficial upgrades you could make. Boot-up times decrease tremendously and programs launch almost instantly. I finally made the plunge to an SSD recently and haven’t looked back. However, many of the how-to guides that I needed in order to properly install…

  • Why I Won’t be Buying a New MacBook Pro

    I’ve never denied being a bit of an Apple fanboy, and I waited eagerly for the announcement of the new MacBook Pro range. When the announcement came yesterday and I read about my much-hoped-for retina display, it was all I could do not to reach immediately for my credit card. I’m glad I didn’t. I’ve…

  • Fix: Apple’s Mini DisplayPort Wireless Internet Connection Problem

    Apple’s newest MacBook Pro models feature a Mini DisplayPort for connecting external monitors. While the new connection is in many ways much better than a full-sized DVI or even DisplayPort, there have been recent reports of problems with wireless internet connections. When connecting an external monitor through the Mini DisplayPort, the Airport wireless signal drops…