Tag: installation

  • Ninite: Easily, Sliently Install Free PC Software

    A newly installed computer is a great thing – it offers a clean slate, making your computer faster with no unnecessary software, no messed-up settings and no viruses. One thing that can be time consuming with your new computer is installing all of your favorite software applications.  Going out and downloading all of the individual…

  • How to Install Linux from a USB Flash Drive

    Since many ultra-portable laptops (commonly known as netbooks) do not come equipped with optical drives, users are typically forced to purchase an external optical drive to install an operating system such as Linux.  In this guide, I’ll show you how to easily install a Linux operating system with a USB flash drive and a piece…

  • How to Install Windows from a USB Flash Drive

    Netbooks, which are ultra-portable laptops, have exploded in popularity due to their small size and ease of use.  Unfortunately, that tiny form factor comes with some drawbacks – most netbooks don’t come equipped with an optical drive.  This means that most users are stuck with the operating system that was installed by the manufacturer. Luckily,…