Tag: editor

  • Posting to Tumblr from the Linux Desktop with OpenTumblr Client

    Posting to Tumblr from the Linux Desktop with OpenTumblr Client

    If you’re looking to publish online, but want a platform that’s somewhere between Twitter and a fully-fledged blog, then you might want to check out Tumblr. With Tumblr, you post tumblelogs, short posts that can be text, video, or audio. The great thing about a tumblelog is that it’s simple to set up and use.…

  • The Ultimate .vimrc Configuration File for the Vim Text Editor

    Vim is a versatile and powerful text editor for command-line environments in Linux/UNIX systems.  Vim is free, open source, and is available on many different platforms, but it does have some quirks out of the box.  If you’re comfortable working in a regular text editor you might find yourself lost, but in this guide I’ll…

  • Turn Your Digital Media into Web Video with Stupeflix Studio

    French startup Stupeflix has just launched Stupeflix Studio which aims to turn your digital media into something more meaningful.  Stupeflix Studio lets you easily create web videos from your own pictures and videos to showcase your digital artwork, create scrapbooks, or send personal video greetings. To get started, create a free account and you’ll be…