Tag: command line

  • How to Play Ogg Vorbis Files from the Linux Command Line

    If you’re a dedicated user of free and open source software, chances are your dedication goes beyond just software. You probably try to use as many open file formats as you can. Document formats, video formats, and audio formats. Especially audio formats. In the world of free and open source software, a popular format is…

  • 5 Basic Commands Every Linux User Should Know

    5 Basic Commands Every Linux User Should Know

    So you’ve been using Linux for a while but have never gone to the command line. Hmm … guess what? That’s not uncommon. While you don’t need to go to the command line to effectively use Linux, knowing even a few basic commands can be useful. That knowledge can open a few doors, expand your…

  • How to Learn the Linux Command Line with CLI Companion

    How to Learn the Linux Command Line with CLI Companion

    Contrary to an enduring myth, you don’t need to constantly jump to the command line in order to effectively use Linux. There are people who spend all their time ensconced in their favorite window manager who’ve never, and never will, type a string of esoteric commands. Having said that, there are times when knowledge of…

  • Using the Linux Command Line with Nautilus Terminal

    Using the Linux Command Line with Nautilus Terminal

    One myth about Linux that just won’t die is that you absolutely need to understand and use the command line to get the most out of it. I know a number of Linux users who’ve never cracked open a terminal window, and they’re quite happy. That said, I find the command line to be an…

  • Take Your To Do List to the Command Line

    If you’re serious about your to do list and want to be sure that you can use it in the future, then you should think about embracing your inner geek by 1) going text only, and 2) doing everything at the command line. The best way to do that is with Todo.txt. Hold On ……

  • How To Enable The Telnet Client In Windows 7

    As a system administrator, having all of your software utilities quickly accessible can make your job easier.  One piece of software often used by admins is the Microsoft Telnet Client. Unlike previous versions of the Windows operating system, Windows 7 does not have the Microsoft Telnet client installed by default.  System administrators can quickly see…