It’s very likely you will be surrounded by loved ones with itchy camera trigger fingers this Christmas. The amount of picture-taking will be incalculable, as everyone is locked and loaded with gigabytes to spare on their cameras. But after the party is over, and the ‘awkward smile’ pictures are removed, you will be left with a handful of great shots.
It’s no big chore to share your pictures via email, but it’s not the most sophisticated way to distribute them either. So, you may ask, what are the tech-savvy using to share their family photos this holiday season? A new web service called is making some noise and may even upset the current king of photo sharing simplicity – imgur. boasts a two word motto: “Share simply”, and it allows you to do just that. The site cleverly uses drag and drop, right onto the web page, which is a first for any image sharing service I know of. It also automatically creates a “gallery” of the images you have dropped into your browser, making it easy to rename, delete, rearrange and share your pics.
After sharing the gallery link, your recipient can choose what pics they want from the group and then download just those pics into a zipped file. Neato!

Additionally, allows for all the same things as other popular sharers, like linking to a single image, and has support for JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and APNG file types. Near the picture’s direct link you’ll see the dimensions and file size – it’s like everything you need to know, right there on one page!
Probably the most notable feature of all is the way uses an effective navigation system which is controlled either by click, or by using the directional keys for skimming through the gallery pictures quickly. The only restriction is that images are limited to 7MB, so the biggest challenge of sharing your photos might be explaining to grandma how to compress those holiday memories from her new 12 megapixel camera, ha!
Update: Since writing, there have been more updates like the option to file browse OR to just drag and drop. Follow site and blog updates here.
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