The Evolution of the Category Page

One of the bigger items on my “to do” list was to get the category page layout looking similar to the front page layout (with the thumbnails and short article text).  Although specifying the “read more” tag in each post worked well enough to make the category pages easier to read, I still felt it would look the best if it was displayed the same as the front page.  I was finally able to accomplish this thanks to Charles K. Clarkson who helped me with the WordPress code required to do this – I couldn’t have done it without him!  You can see a before/after picture below.

This is the original layout for displaying categories.
Old and busted.
New and Improved Categories
New hotness.

The layout will still be undergoing a few changes as I keep adding/fixing things, so please post in the comments if you see anything displaying incorrectly or have any suggestions for the site.






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