Tag: ccleaner

  • Clean up your Linux computer with Bleach Bit

    No matter how careful you are, things like cached files, cookies, temporary files, packages, and log files build up over time. Bleach Bit helps remove this junk from your Linux PC.

  • 5 Easy Ways To Give Your PC The Spring Cleaning It Deserves

    With spring finally upon us, many use this time to clean their house, get the lawn mower ready, and head to the lake or beach.  While you are doing your spring cleaning and getting into the spring and summer spirit, don’t forget to do a spring cleaning on your PC as well. Below are five…

  • 5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your PC

    With the start of a new year fast approaching, many people are making personal New Year’s resolutions such as to lose a few pounds or save some extra money.  Your PC is also looking for changes this New Year.  Here are 5 simple New Year’s Resolutions for your PC. 1) Upgrade your web browser Upgrading…

  • Cleanup Your Computer With CCleaner

    As a computer begins to age, many problems can arise such as slow startup, slow program execution and increased memory usage.  Many of these problems are caused by improper shutdowns, viruses, excess temporary files, and residual uninstall files. CCleaner is a free program, available at http://www.ccleaner.com, which will give your computer the thorough cleaning that…