Tag: Amazon

  • Amazon Releases Kindle for Android App

    In another big step towards expanding their grip on the E-Book market, Amazon recently released a version of their Kindle software for Android.  The Kindle was originally a hardware device for reading digital books, and Amazon has since made the software available on other devices like the iPhone and iPad. The Kindle software is free…

  • How to Fix Unwanted Amazon Recommendations Caused by Gifts or One-Time Purchases

    I suffer from bad Amazon.com recommendations, and I’m not afraid to tell you about it.  Sure, Amazon’s recommendations are one of the most useful features of the site, but because I once bought some engineering textbooks and a Jackie Moon Halloween costume, my recommendations couldn’t have been more inaccurate. It turns out there’s a pretty…

  • Why the Kindle Sucks (and What Can Be Done About It)

    Over the holiday season, Amazon’s Kindle became the most gifted item in Amazon’s history. On Christmas day, Amazon sold more Kindle copies of books than actual physical books.  Without a doubt, E-readers are the future of the book industry, and the Kindle is leading the way. Or is it? Unfortunately, it isn’t.  The Kindle sucks.…