Author: Benny Taylor

  • Words with Friends is Mobile Gaming Perfection

    Saturday night. Relaxing at a friend’s house. Dinner is over, and we are all sitting around the dining table. The room is strangely quiet. Everyone at the table has a look of intense concentration, and the only sounds are the occasional shrills and pings produced by our various laptops and smartphones. No, this isn’t a…

  • Apple’s Natural Scrolling Feature Catches On

    Apple’s introduction of “natural scrolling” with OS X Lion was a controversial move. Apple effectively decided that computer users had for years been scrolling the wrong way around. They changed things so that, by default, OS X Lion users would “push” content up to move it up the screen, and “pull” it down to move…

  • Is Apple Turning OS X into iOS?

    Last week saw Apple announcing the arrival of the latest Mac OS X revision, Mountain Lion, which will be released later this year. Apple’s website clearly states that Mountain Lion will have “all new features, inspired by the iPad.” These include the Game Center, Notification Center, and system-wide Twitter integration that already exists on iDevices.…

  • WriteRoom Brings Distraction-free Writing to Mac OS X

    I write for a living. While I don’t suffer writers block too often, I do have one major problem that affects my productivity and reduces my output – distraction. I love my MacBook Pro. I’m just a few clicks away from 16,000 songs, and all day long various applications ping, click and bing, alerting me…

  • Make your Mac More Like Windows 7 with HyperDock

    I’m a Mac, but I used to be a PC. (Just in case you haven’t seen them, I am referring to the popular series of TV adverts comparing the Apple and Microsoft ways of doing things.) This is an app review, so it’s not the place for a Mac vs. Windows debate. For the sake…