Coming Soon: The End of DVDs?

universal-picturesAccording to a new article on, Universal Pictures will no longer be selling stand-alone DVD copies of several of it’s movies as of January 1st, 2010. Instead, the movies will only be sold as Blu-ray/DVD bundles.

This bundling is not new since Disney and other studios have already been bundling Blu-rays, DVDs and digital copies, but this is the first time a stand-alone DVD is not also being manufactured.

Blu-ray/DVD bundle packs are generally a good deal for people with Blu-ray players because you get a Blu-ray for the main TV, plus a DVD and digital copy for more portable viewing. However, for those of us who have yet to shell out the money for a PS3 or other Blu-ray player, this might be the push that finally makes us go to the store.  As the article says, “This means if you are a stickler for standard definition, you’d better start getting used to Blu-rays being bundled with your movies.”

Could this be the beginning of the end for new movies being released on DVD? Probably not, but who knows. What do you think the future holds for movies on DVDs?



