CPU-Z is a lightweight freeware program that very useful when it comes to finding out your computer’s detailed hardware information. CPU-Z focuses on gathering motherboard, processor, and memory information and displays it in an organized and easy to read format.
Information Gathered
- Name and number
- Core stepping and process
- Package
- Core voltage
- Internal and external clocks and clock multiplier
- Supported instructions sets
- Cache information
Mainboard (Motherboard)
- Vendor, model and revision number
- BIOS model and date
- Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor
- Graphic interface
- Frequency and timings
- Vendor, serial number, and timings table
CPU-Z has support for many of the top hardware brands and is adding new hardware support every couple months. A complete list of the hardware supported can be found on the CPU-Z webpage.
Using the Program
Simple download the latest version of CPU-Z from http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php. Once the file has been downloaded, unzip it and run cpuz.exe. You will see a window like the one below:

What do you think of CPU-Z? Is there another program that you recommend? Let us know by commenting below.
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